There are those that think teaching religious values in the school is a great idea and the state should support it , as long as they are their own beliefs. Then there are others who are afraid of what happens when you open that door. I say be careful what you wish for. Case in point, Life Force Academy in Pinellas County has been enriching the lives of it's children with teaching from Ron Hubbard and Scientology. I am no great fan of Scientology, but on the other hand imagine if you are a Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim and you find yourself having your child having Christian beliefs, prayers and teachings being forced upon them and it is the education you pay for with your tax dollars. Maybe this could be a wake up call to those that feel righteous about their religious beliefs as being "American" and have no thought about what someone from the other "side" might experience. The outrage by the parents whose children are at Life Force is justified, but I have heard this same outrage expressed by others in other minority religions. We need to be careful about religion in the schools as it might be your child next and it could be you finding yourself trying to protect your child from religious zealots.
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